GeaPharmacy is an alternative online pharmacy with nature-inspired products. It is an electronic continuation of the KAKAGIANNI Pharmacy in Ilioupoli, which since 1976 operates one of the first fully organized pharmaceutical laboratories and the oldest homeopathic laboratories in Greece. The site of GeaPharmacy has been designed in such a way as to display the elements of the brand that make it stand out from the other pharmacies! Also its user & mobile-friendly design helps the consumer to find directly what he is looking for and to complete his purchases with simple and quick steps!
The strategy, which we have developed and implemented all these years has as first concern the best possible customer service before and after the order and the creation of a close and long-term relationship with the clients.
The consumer can be informed at any time about the progress of his order in real time quickly and simply!
The GeaPharmacy blog includes articles on topics that the pharmacy specializes in, such as homeopathy and other topics, which provide the user with useful information.
Using the capabilities of our innovative award-winning platform eCommercen - Pharmacy edition, GeaPharmacy has daily offers with gifts in purchases of products of consumers' favorite brands. It also has often bazaars discounts on favorite products, brands and / or product categories!