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Social Media Management...how much time does it take?

Social Media Management...how much time does it take?
Answers like "10 minutes" or "about an hour" or "I spend every Monday 2-3 hours" are not accepted!

A successful social media presence is only ensured with strategic and continuous monitoring and participation.

More specifically, the digital marketing team of Advisable distinguishes the actions that lead to a successful social media presence in 3 categories: daily, weekly and monthly!

  •  So every day, we check for comments, messages, reviews and shares. We post posts and monitor their impact, monitor the performance of ads. We take a look at past posts, check what the company's competitors have uploaded, as well as the press, coke suppliers. We plan the next day's posts/tweets and always make sure they are relevant to the previous ones as well as the overall image of the business.

  •  Weekly, we take a step back and aggregate the performance of the previous 7 days, strategize next week's posts, and together choose promo codes or the product/service you want us to promote. We run contests, keep up with current affairs and other factors that may affect demand and supply.

  •  Every post, every action and every tactic we implement on social media must be based on a broader strategy. So, over the course of a month, if we take a look at statistics, analyze costs and turnover, user actions and demographic targets (information we derive from the Analytics of each social media platform) we have at our disposal an excellent feedback on progress and success. The Advisable team is in constant contact with each client, providing a complete picture of the course, commenting on the positives or negatives of each campaign, discussing new ideas and actions!

  •  Within the schedule, quarterly, six-month or annual goals are also defined, so that every step in the world of social media is as stable and certain as possible.

How much time do you spend daily, weekly and monthly on the social media of your product or service?
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